Howling Bluff Estate Winery

2018 Forbidden Fort Blanc

Sale price Price $52.17 Regular price Unit price  per 

An oft rumoured, seldom heard but widely speculated story starts this way: it was not a dark and stormy night, the day was brilliant as September days in the Okanagan can be. It was September 2009 our third vintage. A then 20-year-old first son said to his dad “we should make port”. Let’s just assume I said a polite “no” to Daniel. After a very, very robust discussion I put my foot down and we made a few hundred bottles of port. In the fall of 2010, a second and even more intense father son “talk” took place where I once again decided to make a bit more port.

If you enjoy “Port” or in Canada what we call Fortified Wine” these will not disappoint!

444 bottles produced50CL bottle size.